I’ve always liked how shadows fall onto the naked form. How they wrap and contour with the shape and curves of the body. The lead photo in this post and the colour one below it is from a recent shoot with Ariel Anderssen (AKA Joceline). I’ve wanted to master this technique for years. For one reason or another until now I’d never got round to spending enough time to properly nail the technique. Over the years I’d had one or two half hearted goes but never got it right. I explained to Ariel what I wanted to try and achieve, showing her some examples and we set about determined to crack the technique. The basic principle here is to put something between the light and your model or subject. The film industry calls it a GOBO, short for Go Between. Yes I know it should be GOBE, I didn’t come up with the term, I’m just passing on the information. Anyway these are the results I’ve achieved which I’m really happy with.

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